Hobie PA fit out Part 3- The first cut is the deepest
So there comes a time that you have to just get on with it and make that first cut, drill that first hole and hope you don’t stuff up the plan.
After much tip-toeing around the subject it was time to drill a 1 inch access port for the Hobie Cat Australasia through-hull cable grommet (which if your ever after a good, almost waterproof through-hull wiring port, these are about the best I had seen) using a 1inch flat wood drill, which worked scarily well. But first, I had to temporarily remove the foam sidewall floatation (remember to put this back after you run wiring as it helps your yak float upright if it sinks) and the two SS screws holding it in place (thanks for hot tip Rhys).
Now the first cut…
Trepidatously I found my mark and slowly squeezed the trigger, the drill tip and outer edges scribed the perfect mark, no stopping now, then suddenly the drill went through the hull like a hot knife (be careful not to hit the steering cables on the other side) with a nice clean cut and (after a little deburring) I was able to install the plug and the RAILBLAZA side mount after a lot of reaching (and swearing).
After that, I fitted the two low profile mounts to the forward plates, left and right for the rod holders. Now it’s important you try this on for size (from the seat) as you don’t want the position of these to interfere with you pedaling movement (and still have these in easy reach) . I have my RAILBLAZA rod holders on extensions so they are at a convenient height and in my visual line of sight from the seat and keep the rod buts clear.
Tip for young players* drill your bolt holes one size smaller so the bolts grip the yak and the SS lock nut behind it also when installed.
So what did I learn, the first cut is definitely the deepest, but it’s easier than you think! Just make sure you know exactly where to drill that first hole and get your hand up inside and work out what’s behind it.
Part 4 will be on the Berleypro orb installation- lighting up the night.
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